Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Messing with Turkeys...

You know EXACTLY how to push Thomas' buttons. He, in return, knows exactly how to push your back. And this always ends with Thomas scratching you or pulling your hair. Sometimes you remember to "walk away", but most of the time there are tears. I'm so sorry you don't get along right now. But he's your best friend. One day, you will.

Nick names...

You hate nicknames. You are Zoey. Zoey Rosemary. Or Zoey the Zebra. If anyone else calls you anything else, you are UPSET!


You are the very best at your chores at this age. Maybe it's because you have so many examples. If I ask you to do something, like put away your laundry, you may not WANT to do it, but you always do. And usually a lot faster than the others. And usually never in the same place. But it's 'put away' so that's all that matters.


You know the words to every sing we sing. In primary (which you aren't in yet), in nursery, in the choir I teach that you don't even attend, the choirs that Matthew and Claire attend, everything. And I love hearing you sing. Keep it up, baby. You are amazing.